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Phone It In Pigeon Hole Pawn Game Rat Race

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Body Spray Bomb. This one comes from SnackNation Member Success Manager Jessie Montz, the self-described 'Queen of the Office Pranksters.' The idea is to rig up a bottle of body spray underneath the victim's office chair so that when he sits down, it triggers the bottle to spray. Its point of entry was discovered when the banquet seating was removed to reveal three rat holes in the floor beneath it. From there, it was a dawdle to saunter into the adjoining visitors' bar.


It is remarkable how our daily language imparts much to the animal kingdom and how much we either transmute human characteristics into animals or their characteristics into humans.

The word cliché is defined as a trite phrase or expression or one that is hackneyed, common place, or overly familiar.

Newcomers to our shores face a steep learning curve when it comes to deciphering the numerous cliches utilized in the English language, let alone those related to the animal kingdom.

Whether we use those cliches more of animals than others is hard to say, so I'll leave it up to the reader of the compiled list below to decide:

‘fraidy cat, a albatross around his neck,

to be an argue ‘til the cows come home as the crow flies

badger him,

to barking up the wrong tree,

to be barnacle encrusted

beast of burden,

a beat a dead horse,

to bee in her bonnet,

a bee's knees,

the beef up,

to begin as a lark bird brain,

a bird brained idea,

a bird in a gilded cage,

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,

A birds and the bees,

the Birds of a feather flock together,

birds-eye view

black sheep of the family

bluebird of happiness, the

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

buffaloed by …, to be

Bug off!

bug out,

to bug-eyed


Build a better mousetrap, and they will come.

build a nest egg

bull in a china shop, a bull-rush, to bull-headed

bull his way into …,

to bum steer,

a busy beaver, a busy as a bee butterflies in the pit of his stomach.,

To have buy a pig in a poke,

to call off the dogs,

to canary in the mine,

a card shark,

a case of the chickens come home to roost,

a case of the tail wagging the dog.,

a cat and mouse game,

a cat burglar,

a cat got your tongue?

cat has nine lives.,

A cat's pajamas,

the catbird seat,

in the chick flick,

a chicken feed

chicken in every pot.,

A chickens coming home to roost., A case of the circle like vultures, to clam up,

to clothes horse,

a clutter bug,

a cock of the roost

cock of the walk, the

cockroach heaven, a

cocksure of himself

cold fish, a

cold turkey, to go

come home to roost, to

complete hogwash

contrary as a mule

cook (pluck) his goose, to

cool cat, a

cowed by …, to be

crabby attitude, a

crazy like a fox

crow about…, to

crow flies, as the

… crowed the politician.

crow's feet under her eyes

cry crocodile tears

curb your dog.

curiosity killed the cat.

dark horse …, a

dead duck, a

different kettle of fish, a

do the bunny hop

do the turkey trot


dog and pony show, a

dog eared

dog eat dog

Dog gone it!

dog his every move, to

dog house, in the

dog in the hunt, don't have a

dog the …

dog tired

dog-eared book

Phone It In Pigeon Hole Pawn Game Rat Racer

dog-eat-dog world,

a dogfight, to be in a dogged by … dogged pursuit

Don't be a jackass.

Don't bug him!

Don't hog all the …

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Don't monkey with it.

double dog dare, a

dovish attitude, a

down a rabbit's hole

down a rat hole

drink like a fish, to

drunk as a skunk

duck soup., It's

dumb bunny, a

dyed in the wool …, an eager beaver,

an eagle eyes,

early bird gets the worm., The

early bird, an

easy as shooting fish in a barrel

eight hundred pound gorilla in the room, an

elephant in the room, the

fat cat, a

Clay pigeon shooting game download. Clay Pigeon Shooting Practice Game free download - Game Maker, Game Speed Changer, Game Editor, and many more programs. Clay Pigeons shooting is an exciting game where the player shoots at moving targets. He can choose between two types of weapons - two barrel hunting riffle and a handgun which represents numerous exciting challenges. Beside that he can choose between three different aiming modes which also ads additional excitement to the game. The outdoor clay pigeon shooting frenzy is real! Pack your shotguns, take your equipment and accessory and go to a competition. This is the best shooting range game with sporting clays, clay pigeon shooting, trap shooting. Clay Pigeon Shooting with Disciplines like single trap, double trap,triple trap house shooting, 5 Stand shooting or 8 stand Shooting, Wobbles shoot, Skeet shoot, ABT shoot, handicapped shoot and many many rules around the world. In a Doubles Trap mode user will get two targets which are launched simultaneously from one machine, at fixed angles. Start by practicing in training mode, so you can get confortable with your shotgun and the shooting process. Once you are ready, compete for the best shooter. When your shotgun is loaded, tap the screen to pull the clay pigeon and grab the gun. Aim to the target by dragging your finger. When you have the target aquired, tap again to shoot. The compete mode has 4 rounds, one with a set of 5.

feather his own nest, to

filled to the gills

fish out of water, a

fish story, a

fish to fry

fishing expedition, a

fishing for a compliment

fishy deal

fly in the ointment, a

fly the coop, to

frog in his throat, a

furry friends

get his ducks in a row, to

get his goat, to

get off his high horse

get skunked, to

get the monkey off his back

give him a bear hug, to

given a bum steer, to be

go ape over …

go cold turkey

go hog wild

go whole hog


going like a bat out of hell

going to the dogs

Golden Fleece

goose someone, to

goose that laid the golden egg, the goose the …, to

got fleeced., He

got his goat

grease monkey, a

guinea pig for …, to be a


have a dog in the race, to

have bigger fish to fry, to

have butterflies in the pit of his stomach, to

He doesn't give a hoot.

He has bats in his belfry.

He lacks any horse sense.

He's a fox.

He's a pussycat.

He's a rare bird.

He's a shrimp.

He's a stud.

He's no spring chicken.

healthy as a horse, to be

henpecked husband, a

His bark is worse than his bite.

his goose is cooked

hog wild


Hold your horses, … !

horn in on

horns of dilemma, on the

horse and buggy era

horse of a different color, a

horse sense

horse trading

horse's mouth, from the

How many clams for this?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

It's a horse race between …

It's a turkey.

jumbo shrimp

jump the shark

junkyard dog, a

kangaroo court, a

knock him off his high horse, to

lab rat for …, to be a

lame duck …, a

lap dog

lark, on a

lay an egg, to

leapfrog …, to

legal beagle, a

leopard can't change its spots., A

let the cat out of the bag. To

like a bat out of hell

like a deer in the headlights

like a fish out of water

like a lamb to the slaughter

like a wounded deer

line snaked around the block., The

line up their ducks, to

lion's share, the

lipstick on a pig

little bird told me., A

live high off the hog, to

loaded (out) for bear

loaded to the gills

lock horns, to

lone wolf, a

look like the cat who swallowed the canary

Look what the cat dragged in.

Look what the stork brought.

make a mountain out of a molehill, to

made the goat., He was

make a beeline to …

make it a horse race, to

Monkey see, monkey do.

morals of an alley cat, the

needs a good horse whipping

neither fish nor fowl

nest of vipers, a

nice kettle of fish, a

nip at his heels, to

nit picking

no fish to fry

not give a rat's tail about …, to

odd duck, an

old coot, an

old goat, an

one horse town, a

out for bear, to be

out of the nest

outfoxed by …

Oysters are in season in months containing the letter 'r'.


pack rat, a

packed in like sardines

pick of the litter, the

pig out, to

pig pen, a

pig's eye!, In a

pigeon hole, to

pony up, to

proud as a peacock, to be

pull a rabbit out of the hat

puppy love

pussy-foot around, to

put all his ducks in a row

put on the feed bag

put the cart before the horse

Quit horsing around.

rabbit ear antenna, a

rabbit's foot for good luck, a

rat him out, to

rat race, a

ravenous appetite, a

red herring, a

ruffle his feathers, to

rule the roost, to

runt of the litter, the

scapegoat, a

scaredy cat, a

sell snake oil

shaggy dog story, a

sing his swan song, to

sitting duck, a

sitting ducks, to be

sitting in the catbird seat

skunked., He was

sleep with sharks, to

slick chick, a

slow to a snail's pace, to

smell a rat, to

snail's pace, at a

snake his way to the front, to

snake in the grass, a

snake oil salesman, a

snake pit, a

snug as a bug in a rug

social butterfly, a

someone's pigeon, to be

something fishy about it

squirrel away, to

squirrel shoot, a

stampeding herd of …, a

Pigeon Hole Math

stool pigeon, a

Stop bugging him.

Stop horsing around.

straight from the horse's mouth

straw that broke the camel's back, the

Phone It In Pigeon Hole Pawn Game Rat Race Tracks

stubborn as a mule (ox)

swim with the sharks

tail between his legs, with his

tail wagging the dog, the Best position for sea battle game pigeon.

take her under his wing, to

take the bull by the horns, to

talk turkey, to

That dog won't hunt.

That's the cat's meow.

There's plenty of other fish in the ocean.

Trojan horse, a

thrown to the wolves

top dog

turn tail, to

underdog, an

weasel out of …, to

whale of a tale, a

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

when pigs fly

when the chickens come home to roost

when the worm turns

white elephant, a


Who will get gored by this bull?

Who's ox is being gored now?

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

wing it, to

wise owl

wolf at the door, the

wolf down his food, to

wolf in sheep's clothing, a

world is his oyster., The

work his tail off, to

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

You low lying snake in the grass, you!

This post is made to provide help and a support community for the game 4 Pics 2 Words by Denham Software Solutions for Windows Phone.
You guess the two words by looking at four images. The game is simular to the popular 4 Pics 1 Word. The goal of the game is to complete all the levels with as many coins as possible.
Level 0: Dog House
Level 1: Red Eye
Level 2: Rat Race
Level 3: School Bus
Level 4: Pillow Fight
Level 5: Milk Jug
Level 6: Apple Pie
Level 7: Green Tea
Level 8: Sand Storm
Level 9: Sky Dive
Level 10: Roast Beef
Level 11: White Wine
Level 12: Nose Ring
Level 13: Toy Box
Level 14: Sea Salt
Level 15: Tie Dye
Level 16: Black Bear
Level 17: Bug Bite
Level 18: Butter Tart
Level 19: Tree House
Level 20: Wise Guys
Level 21: Shot Glass
Level 22: Jumping Jacks
Level 23: Table Tennis
Level 24: Couch Potato
Level 25: Star Wars
Level 26: Love Birds
Level 27: Movie Trailer
Level 28: Bean Bag
Level 29: Pile Up
Level 30: Farm Animal;
Level 31: Alarm Clock
Level 32: Bird Seed
Level 33: Box Office
Level 34: Gift Card
Level 35: Watch Dog
Level 36: Bed Head
Level 37: Red Tape
Level 38: Cold Sore
Level 39: Lamp Shade
Level 40: Light Switch
Level 41: Baby Talk
Level 42: Coffee Break
Level 43: Palm Beach
Level 44: Jungle Gym
Level 45: Phone Number
Level 46: Lunch Lady
Level 47: Cat Nap
Level 48: Party Animal
Level 49: Father Time
Level 50: Wet Suit
Level 51: Eye Drops
Level 52: Tie Game
Level 53: Egg Hunt
Level 54: Witch Doctor
Level 55: Hip Hop
Level 56: Flash Mob
Level 57: Pool Table
Level 58: Hit Song
Level 59: Tanning Bed
Level 60: Water Shoes
Level 61: Test Drive
Level 62: Pub Crawl
Level 63: Plan B
Level 64: House Arrest
Level 65: Dirty Dancing
Level 66: Truck Stop
Level 67: Turtle Shell
Level 68: Shaving Cream
Level 69: Zip Line
Level 70: Soap Dish
Level 71: Bucket List
Level 72: Lamp Post
Level 73: Pig Pen
Level 74: Pocket Watch
Level 75: High Five
Level 76: Bloody Nose
Level 77: Face Paint
Level 78: Bike Ride
Level 79: Bad Boy
Level 80: Wagon Wheel
Level 81: Book Worm
Level 82: Blind Spot
Level 83: Fish Tank
Level 84: Heat Wave
Level 85: Chicken Wing
Level 86: Board Game
Level 87: Traffic Light
Level 88: Bakers Dozen
Level 89: Trap Door
Level 90: Tail Feather
Level 91: Square Root
Level 92: Big Brother
Level 93: Blue Ribbon
Level 94: Cry Wolf
Level 95: Hat Trick
Level 96: Fall Down
Level 97: Iron Curtain
Level 98: Last Laugh
Level 99: Loose Cannon
Level 100: Back Hand
Level 101: Pigeon Hole
Level 102: Pipe Dream
Level 103: Pull Strings
Level 104: Dead Ringer
Level 105: Gas Pedals
Level 106: Smoking Gun
Level 107: Third Degree
Level 108: Leaf Blower
Level 109: Work Late
Level 110: Wooden Spoon
Level 111: Monkey Business
Level 112: Fast Food
Level 113: Touch Wood
Level 114: Dry Eyes
Level 115: Cash Flow
Level 116: Card Shark
Level 117: Two Faced
Level 118: Zoo Keeper
Level 119: Cough Syrup
Level 120: Fire Hose
Level 121: Pine Away
Level 122: Hang Out
Level 123: Wire Tap
Level 124: Open Sesame
Level 125: Bar Code
Level 126: Pop Tarts
Level 127: Clean Sweep
Level 128: Stomping Ground
Level 129: Taste Buds
Level 130: Leading Question
Level 131: Spring Break
Level 132: Yellow Pages
Level 133: Fashion Show
Level 134: Bottle Rocket
Level 135: Hockey Stick
Level 136: Outlet Mall
Level 137: Toilet Brush
Level 138: Tiger Lily
Level 139: Bank Safe
Level 140: Chain Reaction
Level 141: Coal Miner
Level 142: Snake Oil
Level 143: Prize Winner
Level 144: Size Chart
Level 145: Birthday Cake
Level 146: Machine Language
Level 147: Top Gear
Level 148: Fist Pump
Level 149: Wax Museum
Level 150: Purple Flower
Level 151: Window Shop
Level 152: Joint Pain
Level 153: New Mexico
Level 154: Mixing Bowl
Level 155: Dress Shirt
Level 156: Nail Polish
Level 157: Brown Rice
Level 158: Rubber Gloves
Level 159: State Map
Level 160: Hair Color
Level 161: Hard Copy
Level 162: Clay Pots
Level 163: Pick Axe
Level 164: Happy Easter
Level 165: Shut Up
Level 166: Book Club
Level 167: Train Ride
Level 168: Grass Hut
Level 169: Center Ice
Level 170: Banana Peel
Level 171: Free Parking
Level 172: Video Camera
Level 173: Web Design
Level 174: Night Terror
Level 175: Mouse Trap
Level 176: Lion King
Level 177: Slippery Slope
Level 178: Sleep Tight
Level 179: Boxer Briefs
Level 180: Duck Tape
Level 181: National Park
Level 182: Brain Surgery
Level 183: Stop Sign
Level 184: Street Fighter
Level 185: News Station
Level 186: Penalty Shot
Level 187: Water Balloon
Level 188: Think Tank
Level 189: Direct Flight
Level 190: Rain Coat
Level 191: Kitchen Sink
Level 192: Shoe Shine
Level 193: Hard Drive
Level 194: Knee Brace
Level 195: Pole Vault
Level 196: Punch Out
Level 197: Picture Frame
Level 198: Prime Time
Level 199: Windows Phone
Please feel free to leave a comment with description of the picture and the letters you can choose from + lenght of word.
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